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Sound Currency

Sound Currency

From Programmable Money to Sound Currency

Gunther Sonnenfeld, October 27 2022

Presently, no form of stable money exists anywhere in the world. Between precious metals which are controlled by paper contracts, cryptos which are mostly controlled by selective consensus, and FIAT which is controlled by central planners, there is no “safe haven” mechanism to transact and support businesses at

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Sound Currency

Major Advances Beyond Blockchains

Gunther Sonnenfeld, October 26 2022

Owning infrastructure as economic participants means that we own our economic activity. When we actually own the cables and wires which power the Internet, the wallets on the Internet that hold the 1s and 0s representing real assets, and the represented assets in those wallets - including the labor used to create the assets - then we are the...

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Sound Currency

Creating Real World Utility

Gunther Sonnenfeld, October 26 2022

Blockchain advocates love to throw around terms like utility to describe the value of the technology. Much of it is marketing fluff. Blockchains are just record books of transactions. Cryptos are just tokens representing marked ledgers. NFTs on their own are just serial numbers attached to digital

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