We are experiencing a phase shift in which there is no definable paradigm that grounds us in one particular physical reality. This “rudderless” existence will persist for some time, as we find our “sea legs” in the exploration of multiple realities that are distinct from the “normal” we thought of ourselves living in before this moment in time.
+ Our current, collective, perceivable reality (monocultural) is disintegrating
+ We are in an indeterminable phase shift comprising many emergent realities
+ These emergent realities are polycultural, and means that there will never be a “new normal”
+ Within the ensuing chaos, are inordinate opportunities to build new components of a superstructure
+ The superstructure is decentralizing, and self-organizing, by default
Our current situation in the world involves genetics, physical space, and time.
Our perception of where the world is headed involves the distortions and manipulations of genetics, physical space, and time.
In other words, there exists a distorted, manipulated timeline which poses as reality.
You are what you experience, and what you experience is a manifestation of reality which is primarily based on these elements.
It is a monocultural reality. A monocultural reality relies upon the consistent editing of genetic information. Your information.
Mutagenesis is a process by which the genetic information of an organism is changed by the production of a mutation. It may occur spontaneously in nature, or as a result of exposure to mutagens. It can also be achieved experimentally using laboratory procedures.
Most often it is.
Practically all commercial science, to include traditional or allopathic medical science and the brunt of biotechnology, is mutagenic.
Transmutagenesis, therefore, can describe the process by which exposure to mutagens is bypassed. This can include naturopathic processes for bypassing mutagenic allopathic treatments (such as vaccines).
This is not to be confused for transposon mutagenesis, or transposition mutagenesis, which is a biological process that allows genes to be transferred to a host organism's chromosome, interrupting or modifying the function of a gene on the chromosome and causing mutation.
Be that as it may, we are addressing a core precept which governs our monocultural reality, which is that the modified functions of biological processes have put us at extremes that cannot be sustained - we are either moving towards an entirely synthetic existence (and into oblivion as “organic” beings), or, we are moving completely away from it, even if some synthetic enhancements are involved (relatively fewer over time).
To unpack this briefly, think of a living being whose physical/biological capacities are “revived” or “reinvented” by returning to the actual source of life itself, by virtue of specific practices (ancient or other), alternative approaches, and in general, by means of recognizing everything as energy within an existence of an electric Universe.
By doing so, it is recognized that this living being, and this being’s living cells, are “supercharged”. These supercharged cells regenerate at a clip that increasingly outpaces any synthetic organisms. This specific set of phenomena is called bioenergetics.
Also by doing so, the now supercharged being is less and less dependent on synthetics, upon which the current superstructure is constructed. Therefore, we bioenergetically transmute this superstructure.
And yet, this superstructure has been overlaid, or superimposed, on physical reality.
This ultimately means that we do not have an operating paradigm, a true physical reality, in which we are currently grounded.
And so we arrive at an observation that still eludes many people: Our monocultural reality is disintegrating.
Not only that, we are also well into a transition, a significant phase shift, upon which many realities are unfolding, and few, if any, unfold with any measurable certainty. This is actually a good thing in terms of living more autonomous existences, mainly because the driving forces affecting our existences cannot be predetermined.
We can call this a polycultural reality (welcome!).
A polycultural reality entails many different scenarios for living and working. And also highlights some very sobering elements.
If we can accept these elements for what they are, we can move forward with clarity, collaboration and decisiveness into the “great, expansive unknown”.
There are any number of scenarios that can and will change our perceptions of genetics, physical space, and time.
Genetics will change our perceptions, physical space and time.
As for the scenarios themselves, there are three "meta categories" to consider.
+ Proto-Agrarian (hyperlocal, agriculturally-led communities)
+ Bio-Living Developments (real sustainable/regenerative, resource-sharing ecosystems)
+ Integrated/Functional Healthcare (naturopathic/allopathic combinations; experimental programs)
These categories can obviously exist as urban, rural or other dynamics for the living and working world.
Important to recognize is what were once "large, broad force functions" (command-and-control) are now decentralizing towards "small, focused force functions" (collaborate-and-coalesce). The frictions or tensions between them produce the necessary feedbacks for self-organizing groups to then adapt accordingly.
These adaptations are different from those throughout history in that they are inherently polycultural, which means they are inherently chaordic.
A chaordic sense of adaptive engineering makes for a more natural discourse, as command-and-control methods cannot keep pace with this level of uncertainty and a high probability of non-deterministic functions.
In other words, at a certain inflection point (now), we evolve with a far greater natural bias to make up for the imposed imbalances of man-made, synthetic responses to our evolution.
Relative to previously recorded history, we find ourselves in a rather awkward but nonetheless impressive discovery as truly self-sovereign beings, warts and all.