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Gunther Sonnenfeld, January 1 2022

Moral Existence

A brief exploration on the consequences of a society which chooses to live without God and a higher sense of moral authority.

In a Platonic sense, existential moral psychology emphasizes human freedom and focuses on the sources of mendacity, self-deception, and hypocrisy in moral consciousness.

This basically means that as we experience what we will into our existence, we face what amount to distinctly moral consequences.

A distinct immorality would likely mean that we have no moral compass, and therefore, no true or absolute sense of right and wrong.

Society, politics and cancel culture writ large point to a distinct immorality. And yet, because their distinctly immoral attributes have been normalized, we tend not to see them for what they really are.

In other words, the hypnosis induced by mass formation blinds us from seeking an absolute truth about ourselves, what is good for us, and what is good for each other.

The familiar existential themes of anxiety, nothingness, and the absurd must be understood in this context.

If you or I feel anxiety over experiences we ultimately have a hand in creating (such as submitting or resisting pressure to get jabs), then our moral fail point resides in our own self-deception.

If you or I defer to a nothingness in the mind that governs our own choices, then we suffer a certain kind of mendacity or falsehood because we either choose not to make better choices, or, we choose not to make serious choices at all. That is, choices of serious moral consequence.

If you or I defer to a theater of the absurd - which is what all of politics has been reduced to - then any of our subsequent choices and respective actions are vulnerable to hypocrisy.

In terms of the declarations we tell ourselves as we wade through chaos, confusion and fear, perhaps our human existence looks something like this.

We might now ask ourselves:

How much longer, and how much more, must we allow ourselves to be divided by ideologies?

How far must we take our adopted identities to the point of indistinct characteristics?

How can we exist together, when our existence together hinges on a false moral authority rooted in wanton individual freedoms?

It is important that we answer these questions before the world suffers more than it needs to, and we suffer more than we need to.

Written by

Gunther Sonnenfeld

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