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Gunther Sonnenfeld, March 28 2022

Green Back Better

The gross commodification of financial assets abounds, which implies that we may be transitioning to a real reset sooner than most think.

While mainstream presstitutes follow orders from their masters on pushing The Great Reset narrative, the Ukrainian proxy war is showing us the economic hand that the globalists are actually playing. I’ve laid out much of that context here and here.

First, let’s acknowledge some of the recent market front signals we can openly see.

The nickel market is breaking, which suggests that precious metals and their paper contracts are still a major control mechanism to push people fully into digital currencies, and not necessarily of the decentralized sort.

$2B has moved out of Evergrande just last week, which marks a liquidation default on the part of the CCP, even though the Chinese government still expects laborers to finish their handiwork (forced free labor?).

There has been a massive overall increase in commodity prices, while liquidity is running dry, with all dots connecting back to the Fed. The Fed, of course, has no control at this point over runaway inflation, as interest rate adjustments are all but anemic.

Second, we also know that the Fed isn’t the real game in town - it’s institutions like BlackRock, who control more in assets, over $10T worth, than the Fed and any other central bank around the world.

If you’re a commodity trading house, this means you own physical commodities that have a face value of 100x your annual profit, or more. If you don’t hedge the vast majority of that by selling futures, you will go broke. Which means you must have a massive short position in the futures markets at all times. If your overall position is long, which means you have more physical ownership than futures shorts, you’re still short on the exchange’s terms. Which means that surging commodity prices requires bigger and bigger margin calls, with more and more liquidity.

So, you can make money going long on commodities by being physically invested, and by being illiquid. This translates to taking on more physical liabilities than your debt or your cash on hand. The question now is: How much of those physical assets will remain in the market to be purchased by you and me?

Which brings us to the third point - the buy-up of physical assets by institutions (like BlackRock) at 20%-30% above market asking price. This is primarily happening in real estate, but extends into food production, energy utilities infrastructure, clean water, and the like.

It’s literally a short sale bonanza with these massive, managed funds as the takers.

If anyone thinks that this game is about the U.S. against China, or by proxy, Russia, think again.

BlackRock has already solidified its asset management presence in China, to no one’s surprise.

And the fun doesn’t end there.

Russia and China aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a “polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security”.

They consider it important to consistently implement the agreements on improved mechanisms to counter challenges and threats to the security of SCO member states and, in the context of addressing this task, advocate expanded functionality of the SCO Regional AntiTerrorist Structure. The sides intend to develop cooperation within the "Russia-India-China format", as well as to strengthen interaction on such venues as the East Asia Summit.

Translation: The old guard is still the new guard, with a not-so-new set of primary actors still wanting to control the world.

To put this further into perspective, check out the valuation that the World Bank, McKinsey and IEG have placed on nature’s assets - a whopping $4000 trillion (!). The globalist plan, if it’s not abundantly clear already, is to own everything. Quite literally.

Yeah, well, good luck with that.

There are 3 significant chinks in the globalist armor. They are as follows:

1. Web3 infrastructure is scaling at unprecedented speed, which is not only decentralized, but increasingly more autonomous in its design and programming.

The interesting part about this is that the number of cryptocurrency users worldwide is around 300 million, and growing at a rate of about 3x per annum, which means that this figure will represent roughly half of the unbanked (2 billion people) by 2025.

Will any of these people want to use a centralized digital currency in a CBDC? I highly doubt it.

2. Independently autonomous agricultural and energy movements are also accelerating, despite industrial consolidation.

These movements are also relying on decentralized currencies and independent asset instruments to proliferate as wholly independent markets.

3. Automation has already reached its apex in terms of sustainable output and production.

Sure, you can automate just about anything and everything with AI, but that does not mean asset classes can regenerate themselves, nor does it mean new asset classes can form, which is what actually sustains markets over time. This includes the ruling classes’ own assets, namely food, energy and water.

As might be understood, redistribution without retribution is the only friend of the businessperson who no longer wants to participate in gangster capitalism.

That game is about to be over, and there is a strategy to thrive beyond it.

As for the notion of Green Back Better - you and I can do this better indeed… certainly better than any ruling class who already relies on our ingenuity to do their work for them.

No longer. We, as in you and I, are the progenitors of any change in this world that is sustainable and inherently good for people and planet.

The rest, shall we say, is in God’s hands.

Count on it.

Written by

Gunther Sonnenfeld

Older Seeking Moral Genius
Newer Human Identity