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Developing a sound currency based on transferable energy.

Gunther Sonnenfeld, October 8 2021

A New Financial System

Many people have been talking about a new financial system and what it looks like.

Some have made mention of a quantum financial system.

Some have discussed “everything going digital” or “everything going crypto” or "physicality represented by non-fungible means".

Some believe that there will be one governance system.

Some think we’ll end up with an extension of the central banking system.

Some don’t see governments existing at all.

I’ll say this: There’s truth to some of all of it.

Reality is, most of it is being developed without centralized control nor consensus between developing groups.

There is quantum computing and quantum computation. There are various new Internet delivery systems. There are fungible and non-fungible elements. Not one person or group is deciding upon what gets developed and what doesn’t.

The better components will persist, tensions between systems will emerge, and a footrace towards outperforming platforms will become obvious.

You would only know this if you actually worked with folks across these sectors of finance and a hand in building some of the DeFi alternatives.

There are lots of theorists, futurists, speculators, “expert” analysts and philosopher kings out there in the “metaverse”. If the information they’re sharing isn’t your own information - meaning you can vet it yourself - then you should probably ignore it.

It’s a “learning on the ground” process, and there’s no “one system fits all” solution to any of it.

In other words, the new, emerging financial system is a culmination of many different players, many different platforms, many different approaches, all of which comprise what I have long maintained as a global currency stack.

The key thing to understand, by default, is that all financial processes and protocols are decentralizing in very nuanced ways. They have been for quite some time.

If you’re worried about some deeply entrenched, autocratic, authoritarian system, don’t be. We’ve already been living in it for millennia. It’s no longer possible to sustain given where we’re at in our evolution and our history.

Whatever we’re experiencing right now, albeit in extremes, is the end run of an old, broken and soon-to-be-no-longer-functioning paradigm.

Do understand that whatever is happening, is coming with a great deal of uncertainty, and will continue to do so for quite a while (maybe 10 or so years or longer).

Whatever you choose to do, also know that a big part of this is in creating your choices, particularly around how you want to live your life without the monocultural system we all grew up with.

If you’re looking for specifics, I’ve written extensively about various financial mechanics, the technology implications, what’s really involved and what’s possible.

I am basing this on my own applied experience, and by no means is this to suggest that I “know it all” or that I use some magical crystal ball to see into the future. The future is yours to script and in which to act.

In my case, I rely on the pragmatics of how things actually work within and beyond the system as we understand it, to then understand what is actually possible.

Beyond that, we are all participants in a new system, which is a system of subsystems that is constantly emerging in line with our interpersonal evolutions.

It’s a tremendous time to be alive, that’s for sure.

Written by

Gunther Sonnenfeld

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